Thirty years after the release of “The Lion King”, a prequel film about Mufasa is releasing later this month. The announcement of this film earlier this year upset many Disney fans.
Despite being a prequel to the original, the film is animated in the same style as the 2019 live-action remake. A similar controversy was brought up with the first trailer of the Snow White live-action remake releasing in 2025, regarding the uncanny animation of the seven dwarves. It seems people are beginning to long for the days of traditional animation in Disney films.
“The 2D animation is just classic,” senior Lane Mckee said. “I grew up with it and it’s so comforting to me. There’s nothing special about the live-action movies, and sometimes the acting is really bad.”
Despite Mufasa being an entirely original film with original music, people are still upset that the animation replicates that of the 2019 The Lion King remake.
“Dubbing over live-action- looking animals is just so boring and dumb,” junior Ophelia Thrash said. “It just doesn’t have that Disney magic.”
Although people cannot determine the quality of the film until its release, it’s impossible to ignore the popular consensus that Disney’s live-action films are tiring, and people much prefer animation. Regardless, “Mufasa: The Lion King” releases in theaters Dec. 20.