In this episode of the Knightly Show, Vanessa Ng explores voter participation among younger generations, Gabby Ming shows how Hollenbeck students are giving back to their community, Collin Christie showcases the FACS kitchens in the new school, Melanie Juarez Olivares asks students at FHN what color they associate with ELA and Nathan Smith and Braeden Kettinger uncover what it takes for a football team to move from D2 to D1.
Camden Blair
Harper Schneider
Camden Blair
Harper Schneider
Vanessa Ng
Vanessa Ng
Aaron Manfull
Senior Voting Video by
Vanessa Ng
Hollenbeck Students at the FHSD Mobile Market by
Gabby Ming
Foods and Nutrition Equipment Showcase by
Collin Christie
‘What Color Is ELA?’ by
Melanie Juarez Olivares
Lindenwood University’s Move to D1 Football by
Nathan Smith and Braeden Kettinger
Photo Credits to Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons, Flickr and FMT
Audio Credits to Pixabay
Intro Music credit to MoodMode