Starting up this January, the choir is holding auditions to determine what section members will be in next year. Auditions are held every year in order to help make the choir at North the best that it can be.
“Last year I was just like, I’m going to go in there and sing part of a song,” sophomore in Knight Sound John Evans said. “Then, I realized that this is an audition for Knight Sound and I was like oh wait this is kind of serious. It’s not terribly difficult, and you don’t need to prepare that much, but it’s still [nerve racking] once you’re getting into it.”
The auditions come in multiple parts to judge the choir members’ work ethic, musical literacy and pure singing talent. Members of the choir are motivated to perform well in auditions so that they can earn spots in the top sections of Knight Sound and Bella Voces. Those aren’t the only things though the sponsor is looking for when it comes to selecting members for the team.
“I’m looking for people who have the maturity and the work ethic and the dedication to handle that level of music,” choir teacher Jennifer Oncken said. “And [people] that are going to be positive within the team because it really is a team.”