Released in October of this year, Pokèmon Trading Card Pocket has been catching young adults’ attention ever since it popped up in the app store a few months ago. In that time, the game has had the opportunity to captivate over 30 million players.
“I started playing two days ago and I’m always playing when I have the chance,” junior Shantanu Bagde said. “I think the game is really fun because you get to open packs and battle others. My favorite card in my deck is my Gengar EX.”
The fresh game consists of pulling Pokèmon cards out of packs and using the cards against other players in battle. The game has a bunch of unique features that are exciting and addicting as well as a variety of cards that players are constantly anticipating to pull.
“I like the game because I’m good at it and I can play with my friends,” sophomore Ahsan Naumaan said. “I love opening the packs to get better cards to play with my friends, and I’m really excited for the new updates coming out soon and how the game will grow.”