Valentine’s day is right around the corner, and so is the spread of love. FHN’s club, KOE, has a yearly tradition to make holiday bags and spread the cheer between students. This year they have decided to make Heart-O-Grams also known as Valentine’s bags to keep the spread of kindness around the school alive.
“Our goal is just to spread a little love and cheer throughout the building and help friends have a fun way to show their other friends that they appreciate them,” Kristen Johnson, one of the teacher leaders of the club said.
During a day camp that the club held over the summer, students in the club were given the job to come up with ideas for the following school year. A couple of students decided that they wanted to continue to sell more of these bags, such as Boo Grams and Valentine’s Bags, because they loved to see the positive impact it had on students around the school.
“Even though we pretend like this is all in the past, highschoolers still love that stuff so I just think that seeing the kids get excited when they get one is the best part,” Johnson said.
KOE has the week planned so that these bags went on sale yesterday for $2 each and will be delivered on Feb. 13.
“You will be able to find our table at lunch, KOE kids will show up and we will be out there with lots of different choices, so you would pick the valentine that you wanted, pay, and then you will write who you want to send it to,” Johnson said.
The amount of money that KOE makes with Heart-O-Grams this year will be put into great causes such as purchasing supplies for the yearly KOE Picnic, along with continuing to donate it to adoptive families in our school community.
“I think that it will be a great cause,” Kasey Lewis, a sophomore in the club said. “I’m excited to know that I’m helping out to spread kindness and love and it’s a fun way to involve everyone and the holiday, since Valentine’s Day shouldn’t only be meant for couples, it can be meant for friends and anyone you care about.”