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The Student News Website of Francis Howell North High School.

The Student News Website of Francis Howell North High School.

Scholarship Resources


This website is run by the U.S. Department of Labor with more than 8,000 scholarships listed. You are able to filter through many different keywords including by state and by the state where you are planning to go to college. 


Going Merry 

With this website, once your information is typed, you can apply to multiple scholarships at once. This is helpful because after applying to so many scholarships, it can be boring and repetitive. This website allows you to spend less time applying to scholarships that need the same information and more time for applying to different scholarships, school work or free time. 

Here, scholarships are divided by categories and within these categories are subcategories that can be used to find smaller pool scholarships. This is helpful because while the scholarships might be smaller, there is a higher likelihood of winning. There are over 3.7 million scholarships available here which gives you many more options to look and filter through. Not only does this website offer scholarships, it also allows you to do college searches and get information about student loans.



Here, there are many options for users to flip through. Once you register, you are automatically applied to a $2,000 no essay scholarship, which means you are put into a big pool of people to be chosen from. From there, Niche filters scholarships that you match to and recommends those to you. There are also filters to find new, easy to apply and popular scholarships.



With Fastweb, you are able to filter for scholarships that are catered to your own interests, skills, what you want to study and much more. This makes more scholarship options available to you so you have more chances of winning more scholarships. The website is free, easy to use and student-focused making it one of the first websites you should look at when starting your scholarship search.

This website is unlike any other in that you don’t have to fill out your own personal information to have access to over 23,000 scholarships. So if you already know what you’re looking for, you can go to this website and apply for scholarships without needing to provide anything except what is needed for the scholarship. You can also find student loans and grants opportunities here as well. 

This is a useful website to use especially because it is catered to Missouri students. There are over 100 scholarships here and the website is free to use. The more local the better and this site is perfect for that. When scholarships are more local the better chance you will have of winning them even if they are only $200 scholarships. Every little bit adds up.


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