The Student News Website of Francis Howell North High School.

The Student News Website of Francis Howell North High School.

The Student News Website of Francis Howell North High School.

Countdown to the First Day of School!

Girls swimming tri-meet

After practicing nonstop for the last few weeks, the girl’s swim team has finally seen it pay off. This week the team had four meets and only lost one, to Fort Zumwalt West. The new girls swim record is 3 and 2. Their most recent meet was a tri-meet with Hazelwood East and Fort Zumwalt East on Dec. 15. Senior Danielle Meyer felt that the previous nights meet against St. Charles High was a easy victory.

“We had an easy meet, but everyone knew they would have to keep up the effort for the [tri-meet],” Meyer said.

The team placed first in several events at the meet including the 400 meter free relay, 100 meter fly, and 200 meter medley. Senior Susana McFarland believed that Zumwalt was the only real contender. Right before McFarland started, she thought to herself “don’t worry, breathe now.” There’s a strong effort to breathe as little as possible once the relay begins. McFarland got herself “in the zone,” and ended up placing second in the 400 meter free relay.

“I don’t think about anything except how hard I have to push, and making it to the next wall,” McFarland said.

Meyer managed to place first in the 200 meter medley, but came close in second with the 100 meter breast stroke.

“That was my first time getting second,” Meyer said. “Maybe that other girl was really good, but we’re working on getting my technique better.”

The team is always working to improve themselves. One of their biggest goals is to create a stronger focus on what they’re trying to accomplish. Some of the swimmers believe that since they have such a large team, they need to be showing more support for each other.

“We have a lot of really strong swimmers, and the potential to win a lot of meets,” McFarland said.

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