The average person finds challenge in one sport most of the time. Two sports is a very hard thing to do for almost all people. How would someone manage to play in three sports? How would said person do this and be good at all three sports at the same time?
Meet Chase Powelson, a sophomore at FHN who runs varsity cross country. Who last year played on junior varsity basketball and volleyball as a freshman. A athlete who finds great success in playing three different sports.
“It’s definitely tough not having as much time to focus on schoolwork,” Powelson said. “But school is always the first priority and I really enjoy being with the teams.”
Powelson competes in all of these sports by preparing for each one individually, mentally and physically. With cross country Powelson has to of course be physically fit to preform when he is called to do so, but he also must be mentally unwilling to quit. That is part of his formula for making varsity for cross country.
“Cross country is very much a mental sport,” Powelson said. “You do have to be in good physical shape to preform well, but you also have to have the mental strength to keep going and not to quit. You have to really want it.”
With basketball, there is an even mix of mental and physical competition for Powelson. There is a lot of thinking quick, adapting to the situation, and having athleticism for Powelson. With this competition also comes emotion in this game. To be emotionally ready for facing players you are coming in physical contact with is hard. Sometimes Powelson just has to let stuff go on the court and control his anger. With this, Powelson looks to accomplish great things this basketball season.
“[Basketball] is a lot about thinking quick on the court and being able to adapt to any situation,” Powelson said. “But at the same time, [Basketball] is also about being strong enough to compete against the other team who you’re in physical contact with most of the game.”
For Powelson, volleyball is a lot more like basketball than it is cross country, mostly because of the strong communication with his teammates and the ability he must have to think quickly. With volleyball in the spring, Powelson is eagerly awaiting it’s arrival.
“Talking [in volleyball] can be the difference between making a great play and letting the ball hit the floor,” Powelson said. “Everyone has to know what is going on at all times.”
How Powelson competes well in three sports is beyond most, but what he says is that he has managed this by having great friends, great coaching, and a very supportive family.
“My family is my biggest inspiration, but all my coaches are inspirational to me as an athlete,” Powelson said. “I am lucky enough to have a lot of good friends on my sports teams.”