FHN Young Republicans and Young Democrats clubs took a field trip to Jefferson City on March 27, with supervisors Kim Coil and William Crow.
The field trip only took a couple hours to plan. Crow first had to contact Rep. Spencer’s Legislative Assistant and explain what they were wanting to do and he then took care of it for them.
“I learned that being any kind of representative, whether it be state or district, is a lot harder work than I thought before going to Jefferson City,” Young Republicans member Sydney Hardin said.
“The best part of the trip for me was for the students to meet their representatives and realize that they are approachable and that they want to hear from students,” Crow said.
As of now, there is nothing specific set up, but both clubs are planning to meet again to discuss ideas for future field trips.
“I don’t know that I necessarily learned anything new, but it’s definitely different to actually see things first hand as compared to just learning about them through media,” Young Democrats member Tyler Ludwig said.