Annual Science Fair Open for public to View K-8 Students’ Projects

By Sarah Zimmerman

As the 500+ science fair projects and K-8 students arrive at FHN on March 4 for the Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair, anyone can come view students’ projects from 1-5 p.m. and find inspiration in their creativity, while NHS members help run the event from beginning to end.

“It was really cool seeing how creative the kids are with their experiments and being able to see all the work that they put into it and how they already understand the scientific process from so young,” junior NHS president Caitlind Walker said. “I just found it very cool.”

While the general public wanders and inquiries on the projects, NHS members have the opportunity to sign up to help, either for a shift or for the whole day. They can assist in a variety of ways, including setting up in the Learning Commons, writing positive feedback sheets for students, judging projects, setting up the awards table, handing out trophies and cleaning up.

“There’s a big need for all the work that needs to be done, and since they need service points, and [the science fair] is here at Francis Howell North, and it’s all day, it’s kind of a unique opportunity to earn quite a few points in one day,” NHS sponsor Donna Malkmus said.

With NHS members’ help, they can make the science fair experience a moment to remember for students. Though everyone receives a participation medal, the top three students in each category- Biology, Applied Consumer Science, Physical Science or Earth/Environmental- receive medals, with first place getting a trophy. Rather than receiving awards, some NHS members remember their experiences as rewarding in different ways.

“I’ll probably help again because it’s a good opportunity, and I just thought it was interesting to see everyone’s projects,” junior NHS member Jamie Sneed said. “I really enjoyed that, to see their creativity.”

Both NHS members and viewers may even come to encourage the participants to continue enjoying science, giving more meaning to the fair.

“I think it’s important so that they also show younger kids that science is an important thing and that they should continue to be interested in it, as well as making sure that we do have enough volunteers to be able to hold this event and be able to judge all the projects,” Walker said.