FHN Students Audition for the Fall Play: A Piece of My Heart


Credit to Madison Abanathie

Drama Club President Delaney Echelmeyer, finishes the Drama Club announcement board with new announcements for the day.

By Sammie Herr, North Star News Section Editor

After school on Aug. 28, the fall play auditions were held till 4:30 p.m. in the auditorium. They were for the upcoming play “A Piece of My Heart.” Anyone was eligible to audition as long as the sign up sheet was turned in. To be able to turn it in correctly signatures and filling out different things about what someone wanted to do for the play were required.

“There’s always a moment where you realize you didn’t quite want to do it the way you planned,” Delaney Echelmeyer, senior and president of the drama club said. “Overall, I think it went pretty okay. I’ve personally been involved in drama since I was a freshman. It’s really interesting getting to put your feet into a different characters shoes and you get to learn and grow confidence as you go.”

The story follows the Vietnam War from a different perspective. Instead of following males it follows a female’s. The callback list needed at least six boys and six girls. Echelmeyer, Sarah Maye and Riley Lawson all made it on the callback list.

“I kind of didn’t expect to make the callback list, because I used the piece I auditioned with before,” Maye said. “All I did was tweak a couple of parts. I guess the idea of the play wasn’t that well received, but I feel like the play is going to work out really well. It’s serious, but I feel like we can make it fun.”

The play will take place on Oct. 5, 6 and 7. Prices and tickets haven’t been completely decided yet, but they will be sold for around eight dollars.

“I feel excited for making the call back list,” Lawson said. “It means that I have a chance to make it in the show. That would be fun, being in shows in general and working with people towards an end goal is something I enjoy.”