Annual Gateway Reading Contest Comes to an End
Students and teachers read Gateway books over the course of this year to win prizes
Credit to Kaili Martin
The 2018 Gateway Readers Award books sit on a table in the FHN learning commons. The goal of the award is to find books that appeal to the students’ interests, needs and reading levels.
Published: May 2, 2018
Every year FHN has a Gateway Readers Contest where students and teachers try to read the most Gateway books over the course of the year. Student winners receive a 50 dollar gift card of their choice and teachers receive a 20 dollar gift basket.
“Ultimately, any book on a the Gateway list is a good book because it goes through such a long process to be a Gateway,” media specialist Tara Willen said.
To win the contest, students not only have to read the book, but they have to take and pass quizzes about each book. They also have to vote for their favorite Gateways for the quizzes to count. Students can vote at a voting party or during the first week of March. This year’s student winners are Madison Abanathie and Christina Turnbull, and the teacher winners are Nancy Richardson and Joelle Sanders. The english class that won was Kristen Johnson’s sixth hour.
“The number of books students have to read varies from year to year,” Willen said. “Our goal was to encourage more students to vote.”
Gateway books go through a long process to become Gateways. It starts as a list of 25 books, and people read as many as they can by and give them a rating out of 25. A committee looks at those ratings, and the books with the highest ratings are the Gateways for the upcoming year.
“All of these books are relatively newly released and the books have been through a process so you can be sure that these are gonna be good young adult books,” Sanders said.