Publications Raffles Off Taylor Swift Concert Tickets Black and Gold Day


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FHN students enter into a raffle for two Taylor Swift Tickets. If students bought their yearbook before Black and Gold Day they could enter five tickets, with additional entries for following FHNtoday on social media.

By Ashlynn Perez, Sydney Ellison, and Sammie Herr

Two publications staffers walked around Black and Gold Day, blaring Taylor Swift music from speakers. Their goal was simple: to lure students and families to the publications booth where a raffle was held. Their goal, to raffle off two Taylor Swift concert tickets, that Publications Adviser Jordyn Kiel was awarded from a promotions website. 

“I hope [the raffle] raises the yearbook sales and also increases the awareness that yearbook is for sale and the social presence,” Publications Adviser Jordyn Kiel said.

The entrance into the raffle was based on yearbook sales. Students who bought a yearbook prior to Black and Gold Day were given five raffle tickets to enter and students who purchased a yearbook during the event could enter three raffle tickets. An extra entrance ticket to the raffle was awarded to anyone who followed FHNtoday on social media. The purchase of a yearbook is currently $55 and the price will go up on Oct. 13 to $60. Yearbooks will be sold all year, but the raffle was held specifically for Black and Gold Day.

“I think selling yearbooks at the booth was really successful since we are trying to push yearbook sales harder at the beginning of the year,” Excalibur editor Hannah Davis said. “It was also cool because we haven’t had a ticket giveaway like this in a while, and it was something that pumped up both publications students and other students.”

Bushra Zaidi was announced the winner on August 20 on FHNtoday’s Facebook Live after school. Zaidi received two t-shirts and the two tickets on August 21 in first hour. She plans on attending the concert, but doesn’t know who she will take.

“I honestly didn’t think I was going to win,” Zaidi said. “A worker at the booth told me I could follow their social media to get extra entries into the raffle, but I didn’t think I would win, so I didn’t bother.”