Drama Club Hosts Trivia Night

Credit to Kaili Martin

Sophomore Carolyn Green paints a portion of the set for the upcoming play “You Can’t Take it With You”. The play highlights two families, one proper and the other disfunctional, and the struggle of love and acceptance. “You Can’t Take it With You” is scheduled for Oct. 25-27 from 7pm to 9:30pm.

By Kylah Woods

Drama Club will be hosting a trivia night on Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Commons at FHN. Both students and faculty are invited to join.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Kim Sulzner club sponsor said. “Everybody thinks it’ll be easy since it’s made by students, but it’s really not.”

The cost is $50 per table and tables can have up to eight people of their choice. Students and faculty can turn in money to the drama room until Oct. 5. Forms to sign up can be found on the school website and outside of the drama room. There will be 10 rounds of trivia.

“I love to see people coming together,” Drama Club President and senior Riley Lawson said. “People get so competitive and it’s so fun to watch.”

Although Sulzner will be reading out the questions at trivia night, the cabinet of student officers have done the majority of planning and members of Drama Club will be running the event.  All of the money that is made will be split evenly between each of the students working and those funds go towards their Missouri State Thespians trip. State will be in Kansas City from Jan. 10-12 and the cost will be about $400-$450. At previous trivia nights, students have raised about $1,000.

“It’s an easy way for students to make money,” Sulzner said. “But not only that, they have so much fun running the trivia night that it’s not just about the money.”