PewDiePie Signs Armistice With T-Series, Ending the Biggest Youtuber Subscriber War


Historic photo of Felix Kjellberg battling Demon Lord T-Series to the death in a ring of fire. (Illustration by Lily Sontheimer)

By Connor Peper

Brighton, United Kingdom- On March 2, at 2:49  p.m. CST, The Kingdom of Sweden surrendered to the Republic of India, ending a year long conflict between the two parties. The war was concluded by a tweet by Felix Kjellberg, also known as PewDiePie, announcing his intent to surrender to enemy commander T-Series.

The end of an era is here. Youtuber and epic gamer, PewDiePie, is about to be surpassed by Indian media company T-Series. PewDiePie, who has held the spot since 2013, tweeted a simple statement of capitulation to his millions of followers: “Looks like this is it.” It doesn’t take a genius to know what ‘it’ is.

The two Youtube channels have been competing for the top stop for months; however the odds were never in PewDiePie’s favor. It was one Swedish man versus the entire country of India. One Swede against 1.3 billion Indians.

The Youtube community, for the most part, rallied by PewDiePie. Winning endorsements from fellow Youtubers Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Logan Paul and MrBeast. MrBeast has lead several campaigns to try and increase PewDiePie’s sub count from buying every billboard in his home town with “Subscribe to PewDiePie” ads to holding a “Subscribe to PewDiePie” sign at the SuperBowl. Other efforts enacted by the generals of PewDiePie’s army (which is presumed to be made up of mostly nine year olds) included a sophisticated operation to fax people pro-PewDiePie messaging and playing patriotic PewDiePie songs on the piano in public places until people asked them to stop. PewDiePie also received support from other sources as well.  Both Entrepreneur Elon Musk and conservative commentator Ben Shapiro hosted PewDiePie’s “Meme Review” show; however, though Shapiro tried to destroy T-Series with facts and logic, in the end, it wasn’t enough.

The victory for T-Series symbolizes the shift in content on Youtube. Gone are the days of the self-made individuals like PewDiePie, making way for the days of corporate content like T-Series. Youtube is no longer a place where the little man flourishes, instead Youtube has selected the multi-million corporations instead.