FHN All-Knighter to be Hosted Night of Graduation


Credit to File Photo

Seniors play arcade games at the annual All-Knighter senior parents put on for the graduating class.

By Rebekah Myers, North Star Design Editor

The night after seniors graduate on Saturday, June 1, almost a third of the graduating class will head to FHN to take part in the All-Knighter. Check-in for the event will begin at 10:30 pm and doors will be locked at midnight until 5:00 am the following day. Students will not be able to leave the building in this time.

The All-Knighter will provide various activities throughout the night, as well as food. There will also be prizes, inflatables, and a senior gift for each student. Previous years’ events have hosted guests like hypnotists and cartoonists. The details of such provisions are kept secret by the committee that runs it to keep the night a surprise for those attending. The event has taken over a year of planning by parent volunteers.

“It’s an incredible event for the seniors,” said registration chair Brecklan Krostal. “The seniors that come are going to remember it. There’s going to be something from the evening that is going to be a lasting memory of your high school career.”

In order to get into the event, a full registration and photo identification is required. Registration papers can be found by the snack table and on the FHN website. Registration includes a medical form, the main registration form and the $120 dollar fee. This can be turned into a box found in the main office.The last day to register and be guaranteed a senior gift is May 1, however there may still be a chance to get one if contact is made with  Krostal at  [email protected].