Athletic director Mike Janes excited for the fall sports season {Q&A}
Credit to ashton stegman
Norm high fives Mr. Janes while he was helping sell FHN apparel at the softball booth. The softball players were also walking around the event selling lemonade. Throughout the day, Norm visited all of the booths and gave many high fives.
Published: September 5, 2019
What are you expecting from the fall sports this year and what are you hoping from them?
Well I think just like any season I’m looking for students who participate, have a good time and use sports as an avenue for education. We are education based athletics and that’s what we’re here for so I always want the kids to have a good time with that. I think fun is winning a lot, it’s not fun if you’re not, but I don’t think winning is always the at all cost or anything so I think that for kids to grow as an athlete, grow as a person at the end of their high school career. We’re going to be sending them out to a new world and I think some of this is preparation for that but I am excited for the fall sports season. I think we’re going to have quite a few teams that are gonna do very well, every year we’re always excited about football. It’s the biggest crowds that you get the chants [from and] you have the most students attending games and having fun and cheering on their teammates and their classmates so we’re really excited about that. We have our groups like cheer and dance and band that all support those groups and they have their own competitions too so we’re always looking for great things from that.
What sports are you most excited about this year?
I’m always excited for football season, [to] try to grow off the year before is always a goal I think softball is always a passion for me because I was a former softball coach so I’m looking forward to the softball season. I really look forward to all of them, I don’t get out to all of them because we have some sports that are off campus. I think our boys soccer team is going to be young, I’m always excited to see what that’s going to entail over the next few months.
How are things going to be different this season from previous seasons?
We’re continuing to grow on it and last year was one of the years our students did a great job at was continuing the tradition of the goonies. Last year we took a big step and we had some student leaders that made themes, got them out there early, did a good job with social media, and I think that throughout the year we had better student attendance at our games because of that. I think they’re being more prepared and not just hey show up to the game I think it’s a lot more preparation of supporting our students and I’m excited about that and hopefully that continues.
How are things going to be different coach wise and player wise?
I’m excited about some different coaching staffs, not only the coaches but getting some quality coaches in our building having some teaching jobs over the summer did help with that we were able to do that. I think some of the coaches we have this fall we have a new cross country coach who has been a head coach in the past Dr. Keelen Russell, I think she’s gonna be phenomenal to [have] help out, I’m excited about girls tennis, Saltisiak was first year last year so now she’s going to learn the ropes and I’m excited about her, coach Galati who took over boys swimming, they have like 16 to 18 swimmers from two years ago when we didn’t have a program. The football staff is something you’re always continuing to grow on, coach Bevill would tell you.