Freshman Zoe Nagy Experiences Moving Around the World
Credit to Addy Bradbury
Published: February 29, 2020
Packing up and moving from place to place could be a hard lifestyle for some, but for freshman Zoe Nagy, it’s an adventure every time. Nagy has moved to many places throughout her life including Hungary, Egypt, Italy and Slovenia. Nagy is originally from Hungary. She moved from Slovenia to St. Charles in January.
“I was happy because I always dreamed of moving to America,” Nagy said.
Nagy’s father has a job that requires the family to frequently move, so traveling is something Nagy has grown up with.
“I don’t really have a problem with moving a lot,” Nagy said. “At first it was really hard because of the new schools and meeting friends but I got used to it so it’s not that bad.”
The first step the Nagy family took to move to America was getting their visas. After they were secured, they packed up clothes, important items and then flew to America. Their furniture and bigger items stayed behind. To Nagy, the moving process itself was fun and exciting. Her family is planning on living in America for five years.
“We had a lot of things to do to move out here and it was difficult and kind of fun too,” Nagy said.
Nagy had learned English prior to moving, but she hopes that living here will help her improve her English. Going to a new school was both exciting and scary for Nagy.
“I was nervous about meeting new kids like new students and making new friends,” Nagy said. “Now I’m feeling happy. I have a lot of friends.”
Traveling has been a part Nagy’s entire life and she has no plans to get rid of it. In the future, she hopes to travel to even more places and see even more of the world.
“[The best part of traveling is] the new experiences, that I get to see a lot of things and I get to try more things in my life,” Nagy said.