Sophomore Natalie Stevens Wants To Be an Influencer
Credit to Bree Am
Sophomore Natalie Stevens poses in front of a phone.
Published: March 9, 2020
With the rise of social media’s prominence, a new career option is available; being an influencer. Natalie Stevens, a sophomore at Francis Howell North, is one of many people thinking of trying their hand at influencing.
“We are the generation that grew up around influencers,” sophomore Natalie Stevens said. “More of us will want to use Social media as a hobby.”
While there are influencers on almost every social media platform, Instagram seems to be at the root of it all. Stevens has always been inspired by the artists and Influencers on her Instagram feed.
“I’d say I like the Instagram feeds of Blackbear who’s a famous singer and I also like Summer Rae,” Stevens said. “I really like her Instagram profile.”
Being an influencer, just like any other job, has its pros and cons. Social media has created a great new way for people to connect with one another, but sometimes it can give a powerful voice to the wrong people.
“I like being able to have a normal life, but still be able to express myself and show off the things I like,” Stevens said. “[However,] it is online so people can have negative things to say.”
There is no rule or secret to becoming an influencer. There seems to be an audience for everything. It’s all about making the right connections.
“I would post about fashion and what I’m in to,” Stevens said. “I wish I could ask about how to get an initial following and the best ways to network yourself.”
Major success in this complicated and competitive field isn’t guaranteed so, it’s common for people to have backup plans or side jobs as a safety net. Stevens has already given some thought to this.
“I would own a resale shop or clothing business, taking old clothes and altering/reusing them to make new clothes,” Stevens said. “It’s a life fulfilling job.”