NHS Elects Officers for the Class of 22
Credit to Ella Manthey
NHS ’22 Induction
Published: March 12, 2020
On Mar. 10 NHS voted in at a meeting at 6:50 am on who they wanted as their officers for the class of 22. By the end of first hour, NHS had it’s new officers. Pavan Kolluru as President, Josiah Couch as Vice President, Katie McNevin as Secretary, Evan Becker as Treasurer and Zach Zimmerman as Historian.
“I like that a bunch of my friends are in it and that it gives me a chance to volunteer in places outside of the school that normally I wouldn’t think of volunteering at,” McNevin said.
To prep for elections candidates often handed out treats like candy, cookies and goodies. The candidates had to get two teacher recommendations before they could run. They then gave their speeches in front of class of 22 NHS. According to McNevin, experience with leading in other clubs or activities helped her campaign for secretary.
“I thought it would be nice to have more of an influence in the club,” McNevin said. “I think the job sounded interesting and I’ve done similar jobs before in different clubs do I thought it will be fun.”
Going forward, Kolluru hopes to make some changes in NHS. He wants to increase the number of students getting cords at graduation by decreasing the amount of necessary hours. The officers meet once every two weeks to plan for NHS.
“I’m just excited for the leadership roles and the new connections I’ll make out of it,” Kolluru said. “I think it will be a lot of fun helping others,”