Student Council Plans for the New School Year


By Macy Cronin

This 2020-21 school year is already looking different than any other, and clubs like FHN’s Student Council are having to reshape their norm. 

“We want to make school as normal as we can, even though it’s not going to be the normal that we want,” StuCo President Caroline Blanke said. “It’s our duty to make sure [the school year] is lighthearted in whatever we end up doing.”

Events like Homecoming and the Cultural Festival are cancelled as of now, so StuCo is thinking of new ways they can help bring FHN together and use their funding to do just that. One major plan for this funding is going towards fixing up the courtyard at the front of the school, so students can use it and remain socially distant. This is a project StuCo has worked on previously, but the goal is to finish it early this year. 

“I think it’s a really good idea to open up the courtyards especially for a year like this,” junior Rana Shaker said. “It would help with more space for the students because we have a heavy number of students at school. We are having five lunches so if we have the courtyards that would be more space for students.”

Leaders of StuCo are mixed between in-person and virtual learning, so this should help virtual learners feel included despite not actually being at FHN to help the club hands-on. They don’t have an exact plan of how online students are going to be included or how meetings are going to look with social distancing, but Blanke has some ideas in the works. 

“We are going to try and do a back-to-school spirit week,” Blanke said. “Not the first week of school because I know the freshmen need time to figure out where their classes are, but that second week we are going to try and do something.”