FHN Basketball Band Plays Music for the Spectators During Basketball Games
Credit to Sophie Stachula
The FHN Basketball Band plays a song during a game. The game was on Dec. 7 and the varsity girls basketball team took on Francis Howell High.
Published: December 20, 2021
Looking in the stands at an FHN basketball game, two things will stand out: rowdy fans and a band ready to hype up the stands the second that timeout whistle blows. FHN Basketball Band is an extracurricular band offered to all band students whose job is to provide music at basketball
games and promote school spirit.However, this band does more than that.
“This group might be set out because there is a lot of hype for having a good year,” FHN Band Director Rob Stegeman said. “I think it’s like that every year but I think this year especially there were a lot of kids who were virtual that are now here. So, they’re just really excited to get to do stuff like this.”
Like many bands, the Basketball Band plays a variation of music. This music requires preparation and rehearsal in order to be played at the games. What is unique about this group is that Stegeman generally only has to work with them up to a certain point, and after that they can run it on their own. He feels this is a great experience for these students as it develops their existing skills and builds new ones. It is even more beneficial from
a student’s perspective as it teaches them to be independent and how to work through things on their own.
“It kind of teaches you to have some initiative,” senior Johna Hargrove said. “[Stegeman] gives you like the bare bones and then you have to work through the small stuff on your own. So, you just have to take that initiative with yourself and do what needs to get done.”
Opportunities like these are two-fold. Students are given the opportunity to participate in a fun extra-curricular activity, play what they learn for spectators and enjoy the company of fellow band members. However, experiences like these also help in skill development as well as paves a path for a potential future in music.
“Our mission for the whole school district is basically college and career ready,” Stegeman said. “Sometimes we forget about our arts and things like that.Are we really preparing them for college and careers? So, I like these opportunities that prepare them.”