Pets Play Many Different Roles to Their Owners


Credit to Amber Winkler

Junior Amber Winkler’s dog named Bash plays in the snow.

By Amber Winkler

Pets tend to play bigger roles in families than most realize. Their job is bigger than simply “pet.” They are the companion, support and entertainment of the family. They are the non-judgemental friends who hear all the problems. They are who their owners go to when they need someone to hug. They are entertainment for when a laugh is needed. 


The pet who provides friendship and someone who is always there. 

Senior Faith Todd knows that this is the role that her two dogs, two rats and one turtle play. She believes that her pets add much more to her family and provide company when needed. They aren’t treated as pets, they are part of her family. Owning pets and going with them to the vet inspired Todd’s dream of becoming a veterinary technician. 

“What I mean by companionship is that animals have no sense of judgment behind their eyes, and they’re always there,” Todd said. “They don’t care what you’ve done, they’re more there to support you rather than judge you.”


 The pet that makes a family laugh and brings joy to a household. 

Junior Jack Stover believes that his dog, Minerva, plays the role of the “favorite child” in the family, earning all the love and attention of his parents. Stover may describe his dog as annoying, but he still loves Minerva, even the times when the 50 lb dog tries to lay on his lap. His dog serves as a distraction when needed, especially when she makes noises that are compared to a motorcycle starting. 

“[Owning a pet] makes my mom more sentimental, which is annoying and it makes my dad care about something, which is also annoying,” Stover said “I don’t mind that the dog is my family’s favorite, though. It takes a lot of pressure off of me and that’s good because I hate pressure.”


The pet who always checks on their owner and is there when they are needed. 

Junior Clara Bonstead appreciates when her cat, Theodore, interrupts her when she is working on the computer and reminds her to take a break. Also, she likes when her other cat, Shelby, comes up to her when she’s crying or had a bad day. Her cats provide her comfort when she needs it most and make her smile when she is down. 

“I think [owning a pet] is really important for my mom,” Bonstead said. “She’ll be sitting at home alone all day in the same chair and I get worried about her. She tells me stories of how the cats will just come and sit right next to her and watch a computer screen. I think it’s really nice that they kind of watch out for her.”

All of them believe that if someone has the option, they should definitely adopt a pet. However, Todd believes that everyone should choose to rescue. Todd has a rescue dog named Sadie and a rescue turtle named Emit. According to Todd, Sadie’s personality really came out when she was surrounded by a loving family that really cared about her.

“I would say to adopt one [a rescue pet] because everyone’s going to go towards the cute puppy but I think every dog or animal deserves a second chance,” Todd said. “The ones in the shelters are the ones who are needing a family the most.”

In each family, pets have a different role and mean something different to each family member. Todd, Stover and Bonstead all describe their pets as meaning something different to them. They all believe that their pets do have one similar role in each family, the role is of friend.

“I think in a way it kind of reminds us that we’re not the only people out there,” Bonstead said. “Sometimes I’ll be sitting there and I’ll be like ‘you’re a cat and I’m a person. You’re a completely different species. You’re a completely different animal.’ I think it helps remind me that we’re not the only ones here. It’s not just our world, it’s everyone’s world and we need to share it.”