Art Club Prepares to Attend the Art Walk

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Credit to Violet Newton

The students who are in the Art Club this year hope to be able to participate in the Art Walk. It takes place in October, and is on Second Street in Saint Charles. The Art Walk consists of professional artists setting up booths and tables, as well as the student artists that they invite, so that both are able to display and sell their artwork. The booth that Art Club had set up last year, also had live art being made. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend to view and buy the artwork of the professionals and of the students. 

“Last year was the first year we went, and professional artists set up tables and booths, and they invited student artists as well down there. We set up a table and we had art for sale and live art being made,” Art Club sponsor Denise Maples said.

Students involved in Art Club prepare art to be sold and displayed this can vary from paintings and digital art to jewelry and art prints. The art club students also prepare live art, they bring canvases and easels to do live paintings for people to see as they walk by, along with people sketching and even painting windows to enter into the window painting contest that goes along with the art walk. 

“Im so excited for this years art walk because I learned things last year like what people want and don’t want. I had a lot of fun last year, cause we just got to sit around and talk about art,” Art club member Micheala Manfull said.

Overall its a very fun event that supports both professional and student artists. It’s a great opportunity for anyone involved in the arts. Wether you do it as a hobby or look to do it professionally in the future it’s a great way to practice selling art, and displaying it in an eye catching way. If you’re interested in participating in this event joining art club is a great way to start. Art club meetings take will take place this year after school occasionally on Thursdays and on the Home Room club days. 

“Art club is a great space to just be yourself and create things and everyone is just really really nice, and no one judges you for what you make,” Manfull said.