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Seeking Resources for Seasonal Depression [Editorial]

Illustration by Izzy Lash

Credit to Izzy Lash

Illustration by Izzy Lash

As the season changes, the days grow shorter and the weather becomes more irritable. A side effect of these season changes that is scarcely mentioned is the seclusion that follows. Seasonal Depression often follows that feeling of isolation in the winter months. Often seasonal depression remains untreated as finances can become an issue when seeking help, but along with this, it can feel like no one around you is experiencing the same things you are. Around 10 to 20 percent of people experience some form of seasonal depression, whether it’s severe or mild. That means between your peers, about one in every five people are dealing with the same things you are. Seasonal depression is isolating and as easy as it is to feel alone. However, help is all around even if it’s hard to see.

Make Yourself a Priority

Prioritize yourself. It’s not selfish if it’s what you need to simply get by. Taking care of yourself is something that can majorly improve mental health. Studies show that something as simple as taking a short walk outside can boost serotonin levels and decrease common symptoms of seasonal depression. Along with this things like meditation and practicing mindfulness can also help.

Ask For Support

It can be challenging to reach out to people when seasonal depression often feels paralyzing. But there are so many resources available so there is an option for everyone. Asking for help is often clouded by the very outdated belief system that associates asking for help with weakness. However, asking for help is important and not weak at all, it’s not a burden or a bother. People who care about you want to help even if it’s hard to see someone they love hurting. Seeking help is very brave and although it can be challenging at times, it is a first step that anyone can take. Whether you talk to a friend, counselor or guardian, it is an obtainable first step to take toward better health. Seasonal depression resources are available to anyone who is struggling during this time of year and taking the step to get
help is worth it.

Ways to reach out

There are many obstacles that can come up, such as the finances, when needing to begin therapy, medication
or diagnoses. But as the years progress, mental health resources become more and more accessible. There are ways to get counseling and therapy without the support of health insurance. FHN counselors can provide resources for financial, support to aid in getting  therapy and medication. Along with this, there are certain UV lamps that are available to the public that mimic the light of the sun. Keeping something like this in your room can boost serotonin levels and help your body’s regulation of melatonin which can help with sleep.

Mental illness is not something that is easy to get rid of, it’s a process that consists of ups and downs. It takes time and patience, and there are times when trusting the process is imperative. There are many ways to get help and ways for you to reach out. So take the first step, talk to a guardian, a friend or a counselor. Taking the first step and putting trust in yourself and those around you is difficult but rewarding nonetheless.