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Model UN Allows Students to Learn About the Inner Workings of the United Nations

Model UN
club founder Eshan Chishti at the United Nations Day meeting in the International Institute of St. Louis
in October 2022.

Credit to Photo Submitted

Model UN club founder Eshan Chishti at the United Nations Day meeting in the International Institute of St. Louis in October 2022.

Model UN is a club at North that is not well known, but it is a club for students who want to be immersed in the world of the United Nations. Students can learn about the inner workings of the United Nations in a hands-on environment. Students can make resolutions for real world issues, and they can debate over which method is more effective. 

“I learned a lot about how the United Nations functions with respect to international relations,” former member of Model UN, Grant Kilen said. “I learned about the resolution process and how it is used by the various committees of the United Nations.” 

Students are able to learn a lot from Model UN, for example, debating against other delegates can build good argumentative skills. Model UN also helps students evolve in their writing, giving them the ability to write Resolutions, or written solution documents. Students will get a more in depth understanding about how the United Nations work. As well as learning the professional way to write resolutions and delegate, along with how to improve global issues.

“You basically do the same thing as the United Nations does,” the founder of Model UN at North, Eshan Chishti said. “Like the United Nations, they make resolutions to solve global issues like world hunger basically, this one is one example. And then some political issues like something in Libya or something. The idea is that you solved those global issues on your own as well. You make your own resolutions, your own solution document, to solve that issue. And you debate that with other Model UN delegates who made resolutions for the exact same issue. You want to show that your resolution is most effective.”

Model UN may seem intimidating, but it is a club for anyone who wants to be a part of it. Students that like to learn about global issues or students who like friendly sportsmanship can join. Model UN has a place for all. Anyone can sign up for the Model UN club by getting in contact with the school or the club’s founder.

“I think my hope for the club is for how to help others learn more about the United Nations and kind of get more interested in their activities by doing these United Nations activities of helping solve global issues,” Chishti said.