Missouri Lawmakers Pass AP Exam Bill Requiring 3’s to Be Accepted


Credit to Salam Abouchleih

A student studies for an upcoming exam.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson approved a bill that took effect this school year requiring in-state colleges, public community colleges and universities to accept a 3 on the AP exam as credit. Previously, institutions were allowed to accept only a 4 or 5 on the exam.

“When you look at the numbers, 30 percent of students got a 3 on the 2022 AP Government exam,” AP government and Pre-AP U.S history teacher Jill Rudolph said. “That allows another percent of kids [to get credit for that class in college].”

Similar bills have been passed in various other states such as Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky and Illinois. The bill will benefit many students taking the AP exam this year.

“It goes back to fairness and setting a standard for universities across the state,” Rudolph said. “I do think it’s a good idea for other states to also do.”