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The Positive Impact Coffee has on People

The Positive Impact Coffee has on People
Credit to Cheyenne Steed
Why Do People Love Coffee So Much?

People have been drinking coffee since around 800 CE and to this day still drink it. Coffee is used for a kick start into most people’s day and is one of the most consumed beverages in several countries.

“I like coffee, because of all the ways you can get it. Warm coffee is soothing and iced coffee is refreshing,” Sophomore Grace Kirn said. “The various creamers and syrups you can put in your coffee are also fun to try and add more flavor. Coffee is a comfort drink for me, it honestly puts me in a good mood, because it gives me a good energy boost for the day.”

The bitter sweet drink has a lot of health benefits and mental benefits as well, giving you energy to make it through the day and prevents several health issues. 

“I enjoy coffee because it gives me energy. I like iced coffee the most,” FHN Biology Teacher Mayghen Mugele said. “It tastes really good and helps me, especially as a teacher, I can get through the day.”

This drink tends to give people a sense of satisfaction and warmth, as well as a rush. Coffee comes in many different types and has hundreds of combinations to choose from, making it one of the most beloved drinks in the world.

Coffee Shops Around St. Charles
Fun Facts on Coffee


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