Snowcoming Will be on March 11 in the FHN Commons

Credit to Bernadette Kornberger

Two students are fascinated by the glow and the dark bubbles at the 2017 Snowcoming dance.

This year Snowcoming is a little different, it is not in February. Snowcoming will be on March 11 in the FHN Commons (Cafeteria) from 7-10 p.m. and the doors will close at 8:00 p.m. All tickets will be sold during lunches for $15  and $20 dollars for guest tickets, the guest forms were available outside of room 208 from Feb. 21 to March 3. The theme of “Let’s Glow” was chosen this year so students are told to wear their best neon or white outfits!

“I went to snowcoming last year but it wasn’t the best because of the person I went with and this one is going to be better so I am excited,” sophomore Mallory Barker said.

Snowcoming is North’s annual winter dance, and FHN is the only high school that constantly has Snowcoming every year. The dance is smaller and more laid back than Homecoming but another difference they have is the royalty. Homecoming’s royalty is voted on by students of each grade level in different rounds, eventually leading to the court’s announcement, which consists of two boys and two girls from each grade level and the Homecoming King and Queen. While Snowcoming’s royalty is voted on by teachers in two rounds and the court winners will be announced at Snowcoming.

“I love how teachers vote for snowcoming court,” French teacher Jenny Liberson said.

Mainly Snowcoming is about the dance but it also has a spirit week and pep assembly that go along with it. Even though students may not attend the dance, many still participate in these fun activities that boost school spirit. This year at Snowcoming there will be a new DJ and the song request form was available from Feb 13-24. This year’s theme of “Let’s Glow” has been used in the past and is bringing back some old traditions from before COVID. 

“I didn’t go to snowcoming but I am a part of the student council so I helped plan the dance and I am excited about how it is going to look this year,” junior Lauren Chance said.

There was a shooting threat written on one of the boys’ bathrooms for snowcoming so the school is taking some extra precautions like bags are not allowed to be brought into the commons and will have to be checked at bag check. There will also be extra law enforcement as well as administrators and chaperones. These protocols are to keep everyone safe at the dance. This dance is possible because of StuCo and the time and effort they put in and the advisors Rowan Pugh and Rachel Pirrone are excited to see how the dance goes. Snowcoming is an informal dance which means there is no specific dress code and not a semi-formal requirement like at homecoming but students are asked to keep their outfits appropriate for school. 

“I’m excited since Homecoming was not the best and I am hoping that snowcoming makes up for that,” sophomore Camille Krekeler said.